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Online German Courses
for ERASMUS Students

Dear ERASMUS student,
you are taking part in the ERASMUS programme. It is not long to go until you study at a German university. This is why you were selected to take part in a free Online German Course which is financed by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) in its capacity as National ERASMUS Agency in Germany: You can study German for six months and prepare yourself for your host university in an ideal way. Qualified tutors of Deutsch-Uni Online will supervise you during the first three months of your course – they will assist your studying, correct your work and will be at your disposal when questions arise. If you successfully complete the course you can obtain ECTS credits.
Ensure your place now for the online German course! To do this, please use the DUO Voucher which you have received from your National Agency – you need the inserted TAN number.*
Before you select your course you must please first complete the placement test (Einstufungstest).
The free offer includes the following courses:
  • basis-deutsch A1 (basic level A1)
  • basis-deutsch A2 (basic level A2)
  • uni-deutsch sprachkurs B1 (intermediate level B1)
  • uni-deutsch sprachkurs B2 (intermediate level B2)
Select the course which fits best to your result of the placement test!**

*The validity of the vouchers has been extended: You can redeem your voucher until December 31, 2009!

**Your placement test result is above B2? Please contact us in order to receive further information on which courses are available for you within this free offer.